Let’s face it, most of us will fall in the procrastination loop hole instead of being productive and on top of everthying. The next thing we know, we’ll be on the last page on Google Search looking for productivity hacks and a procrastination cure. And that’s ok. The first step into achieving the productivity you are dreaming of is already done – you are motivated! The next step is finding the right method for you, so let’s dive in!
8 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Diet while Travelling
As kids, whenever we would go on holidays with our families, it would also imply a holiday from healthy eating. Each trip would result in salty hair, some more tan aaaand… some more weight. Yet, growing up, we realised that if we keep on going at this rate, indulging every meal we eat, we won’t be able to enjoy our holidays at all when we feel sluggish and tired from too much sugar or fried food. Doing our research and testing things out during our holidays, we came up with 8 tips to maintain a healthy diet while travelling.
16 Tips to Travel Sustainably & Plastic-Free
Travelling sustainably means reducing our own carbon footprint by making environmentally friendly choices. Nowadays, we have the incredible opportunity to travel anywhere, yet this can also be our worst nightmare in regards to the climate crisis. Mass tourism is...